What are Soul Contracts? Can they be broken?

Irina Nola
5 min readJul 23, 2023


Usually by ‘soul contracts” we understand agreements with other souls who play important roles in our lives, and these contracts are parts of our general soul plan. Life is a game and not a scripted play, so only major events are planned, and major meetings with Soulmates, and the most essential ones are between parents and children as this would determine the family you are born in and your connections with future children and grandchildren. Many small children remember choosing their parents before being born…

Romantic contracts are also a part of this plan, however, we often see that the main contract is with the child, but the mother or father is optional. Typically kids are mostly connected with their mothers spiritually, or both parents if the spouses are Romantic Soulmates, but I had clients whose father was a major Soulmate with many past lives together, but not the mother. This is more typical for Karmic Connections (based on Karmic debt) or Life Partnerships (with no past lives together when a person has no plan with a Soulmate and can choose any good match to marry). Karmic Partnerships will also be in the Soul Contracts, they are based on paying the debts from past lives — because you hurt this person/soul or they took care of you all their life or died saving you — all of it creates a karmic debt, and these souls get together to balance the karma. Sometimes we see that a soul who murdered somebody in a past life becomes their parent — to return the life they took, but they are often still abusive and it is OK to tear the contract with such parent and sever all connections with them, not to create any more negative karma. Soulmates can have some negative karma also, but typically their karmic balance is positive as they love and support each other in many lives — so returning the debt does not end the relationship, only makes it better. Purely karmic relationships end after the debt is paid, as there is no deep connection between these souls.

A very important contract is between a reincarnating soul and its Spirit Guides — these connections can last for many lifetimes, or while learning specific lessons. I have seen clients whose Guide was only with them for several lives and when I ask for the previous Guide — they also show up. It is typical for “baby souls” (who are just starting to reincarnate) to have sweet female Guides, like nurses or kindergarten teachers, who are very loving and supportive and console and comfort them all the time. But as the souls get more experienced — they get more detached and knowledgeable Guides, often male, or warrior or professor or old wise woman female type, who are less comforting but more ‘instructional”, there are also Trickster Guides who laugh at you and put you into awkward situations to teach you to be less serious about yourself…Sometimes we see Guides who look like kids or teens — they are about spontaneous and playful attitude, or rebelling against authority…Hindu clients usually see gods and goddesses as their Guides — or anybody else who worships pagan deities, they have many lives in these religions and have longtime connections with these immortal beings. (It is very typical for Hindus to reincarnate mostly in India, or in the Indian diaspora abroad, as this is a local religion, so to continue worshipping the same gods from life to life they have to reincarnate in Indian families) Souls who have a deep connection with an Ascended Master like Jesus or Buddha or Quan Yin would have to reincarnate in the same religion — but they have more choices geographically or can convert to Buddhism or Christianity as adults as they would be drawn to these Masters. Anybody can have Guardian Angels. If they do not consciously believe in them, they would see them as ‘giant energies”. Even souls who are Starseeds and came to Earth from other planets can see Angels as their Guides, as Angels travel all over the Universe. But typically Starseeds have extraterrestrial beings as their Guides or are guided by their own Higher Self (a part of spiritual energy outside the physical body) — they are usually very advanced and do not need human Guides.

A contract with a Guide or an Angel or an Ascended Master can not be broken during the lifetime, as Guides stay in the higher realms and will never leave you. But you can change Guides between lifetimes as the soul progresses and take on more difficult lessons. The contracts with Soulmates can be broken, as both parties are in 3D and have free will, plus a Soulmate can die unexpectedly before meeting you, in this case Guides will rewrite the contract and find a different soul to be your romantic partner or a child. Or a soul can refuse to have children, or have medical fertility issues, and the soul of the child with the contract with you can be born in your extended family or come to you as a student. Souls of children who die in infancy or are stillborn typically return to the same mother in the next pregnancy. Romantic partners can be changed, but some souls are always faithful to their Romantic Soulmate or Twin Flame and they never marry if this relationship does not work out, the contract will be rescheduled for the next life.

To figure out your contracts past life regression hypnosis or an Akashic Reading with a psychic can shed light on those, but typically only on contracts with people you know well in your life. Occasionally a Soulmate with a romantic contract or a future child can show up in dreams, meditation, visions or hypnosis. But it is advisable not to explore new relationships in hypnosis, as you need time to build it spontaneously, without preconceived ideas, and you can be blocked from getting this information if you just met, even if you had a major spiritual experience when you met…

Your contracts are not visible to others, except for psychics, mediums, or Akashic Readers with your permission to open your Akashic Records. Your contracts are stored in your etheric Records and can be read by a trained professional or a soul with an innate talent for this work, like Edgar Cayce, ‘the sleeping prophet” who read Akashic Records for his clients without any training by going into a trance. A medium can communicate with your Guides and they would tell them about your contracts with your permission. The Records are protected by spiritual privacy and the Guardians of the Records only allow access with the person’s permission, except for small children, or mentally ill people, in this case, a family member might be able to get information with the help of a psychic, or doing a surrogate hypnosis session. Most of my hypnosis clients are able to access their own contracts in a trance.

I am a past life regression therapist in New Orleans and also work online in Zoom. My website is www.NewOrleansHypnosis.com



Irina Nola

Hypnotherapist, past life regression therapist in New Orleans and online www.neworleanshypnosis.com